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Practice Information


Medical Certificates

These can only be obtained after consultation with your doctor and only for genuine illnesses. It is not legal to backdate medical certificates.

Communication Policy

Worker’s Compensation

Fees for work related injuries must be paid at time of consultation.  It is the responsibility of the patient  and the employer to submit a claim by forwarding the  necessary forms to Workcover Queensland. 

Reminder System

Our practice is committed to preventative care .  We have a reminder system in place which offers preventative health services appropriate to your care.  If you do not wish to receive routine reminders please inform the Practice Manager.

Management of Patient Health Information

Your medical record is a confidential document.  It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. For more details please ask to see our Privacy Policy.

Test Results

Your Doctor will advise you at the time of consultation on how to obtain the results of any tests requested. A face to face consultation or telehealth consultation needs to be booked for the discussion of all test results.

Patient Feedback

We welcome constructive feedback. 

If you have any suggestions or concerns please contact our Practice Manager on (07) 3397 1041 or by email rachel@cavrdclinic.com.au

Alternatively, please place a suggestion or comment in our suggestion box. 

For issues which you feel necessary to be dealt with outside the practice, you can contact The Office of the Health Ombudsman, George Street, Brisbane QLD 4001. Ph: 133 646

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