Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Appointment Information


Cavendish Road Clinic now accepts bookings online using Hot Doc 

Appointments can also be made by ringing the Clinic on (07) 3397 1041.

Please note that although you may have a Doctor you are more familiar with, the Doctors in this practice share the same patient records and are happy to see each others patients when necessary. On arrival, please assist us in maintaining  your correct details by presenting your Medicare card to our Receptionist.


Is available on the surgery grounds

After Hours

Phone 33971041 for current after hours information or phone Home Doctor Service on 13 74 25 (13 SICK)


After hours – Ambulance: 000
During office hours phone 000 or phone the surgery for advice if uncertain.

Home Visits

Home visits may be arranged for our patients unable to attend the surgery for medical reasons.  These are generally arranged in the Doctor’s lunch break or after consulting in the surgery has finished.  Please contact the surgery if you feel you require this service.

Access to Clinic

The Clinic does not have ramp access and is therefore not accessible for wheelchairs.

The Clinic can offer home visits to longstanding patients who have difficulty managing the front stairs.

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